Customer portal

Many of our services include the use of our secure customer portal, which can be accessed via the link at the top left of this website.

The portal has been designed to make your life easier by simplifying many of your day-to-day tasks, including:

  • sending digital models from your records
  • sending documents such as lab prescription forms and images
  • placing online orders
  • recording orders that have been sent to JJ Thompson

We can also use the portal to deliver your digital models, plus any other files that your practice may require. Files are available to view online using our free 3D online viewer, which is compatible with Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone. You can also download files for your own records.

If you are using our Smile3D or Indirect Bonding systems, we can notify you that work is ready to review. We will send you a direct link to your patient’s file, for you to view and approve.

Customers using Smilefile digital study models and PAR scoring service can view, store and download files and documents from the portal.    

For more information, or to request access to the portal, please get in touch.

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